It is important to choose a plot because it represents a fixed form that can radiate positive and negative energies depending upon its location, shape, slope, soil quality, orientation, shape, and size. These five main points should be considered when selecting a plot. A VaastuExpert is usually not present at the time of purchasing a plot. As a Vaastu Expert, I think it’s a good idea to include one at the time of choosing a plot. His input can be extremely valuable in selecting the right Site. The Vaastu Shastra will dictate the things an Expert will consider when selecting a site. You can still use the Vaastu Guidelines to help you choose the right plot if you have a plot already for building a house or an office. The following Vaastu guidelines should be considered when selecting a plot. They are based on scientific reasoning, but few of them are common sense.
Vaastu Shastra has provided guidelines for selecting a plot. Vaastu can be described as a science. There is logic behind each guideline. These guidelines have been explained scientifically and rationally by me as a Vaastu Expert. You decide what to follow and which not.
A peaceful, tranquil place with lots of greenery, a good water supply, and good soil. A fertile soil indicates a good construction site.
It is a good idea for you to feel the vibration of the land while purchasing land. Consider buying the land if you feel positive about it. If you don’t feel positive about it, it may not be right for you. It is best to trust your instincts, but be careful not to let anyone or anything influence you.
The plot history should be good. It is best to purchase land from happy, successful people. This is because you will feel more positive vibes and energy if the land has been home to happy, successful people. Look for the road that runs adjacent to your plot. The best plot is one with four pathways. It is a guarantee of health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness. This logic makes sense because a plot with roads on all sides isn’t abutting any other property. Therefore, one can get maximum lighting and ventilation. A plot with roads to the North and East is another option. It is possible to let more light and air through these sides during the mornings, which I believe is the reason.
Avoid a dilapidated or haunted house. If the Plot has been used for suicide or multiple deaths in recent months, it should be avoided. If you have any knowledge of such a history, it may make you feel anxious psychologically. Avoid buying a plot that was sold under stress. These plots should only be bought with care and consultation with a Vaastu expert. You may feel guilty and unhappy psychologically if you know that the Plot was sold due to helplessness.
Avoid sites that are near public buildings or places. The plot should not be located near or adjacent any public places like a temple, hospital, factory, college, etc. These places will be noisy and crowded. If they are less than 80 feet away, the plot can be accepted. Living in an area with a foul odor is not a good idea. Avoid sites that are near stale places. The plot should be kept away from any meat shops, workshops, leather tanneries, laundry, shoe shop, dustbins, or sewage drains. These places can leave a bad stench that will eventually permeate your house and make it unsuitable for living. Avoid putting your plot between large plots. These plots can be dangerous because the owner of the smaller plot may build a smaller house than those who own larger plots. This could cause the owner to feel inferior to their neighbors. This can lead to a sense of inferiority for the owner.
Avoid plots that have too many cracks or too wet soil. Cracks are signs of dried clayey soil. Too much wet soil is a sign that the soil is too clayey and does not allow water to drain. This soil is not recommended for building foundations as it retains moisture and will require additional expenditure to waterproof the foundation. Avoid plots that face a T orY intersection of roads. This is because oncoming traffic can be seen and may cause anxiety or a lack of privacy. These plots can be acceptable in certain cases, as we will explain below.
Plots that face a T or Y intersection where roads or lanes run directly into the face of site from different directions are called Veethii Shool (Arrows). It is hard to give an accurate description of the Veedi Shoolas’ many combinations and permutations of roads, oncoming, and off-road roads, etc., so let us look at the fundamental considerations and name them as good, bad, and very bad.
- East–NorthEast If an oncoming road comes from the East and touches the North-East portion of the plot, it’s considered a good site.
- North-NorthEast A good site is one that is coming from the North and crosses the North-East portion of the plot.
- West-NorthWest If an oncoming road comes from the West and touches the North-West part of the plot, it’s considered a good site.
- South-SouthEast A road coming from the South and hitting the South-East part of the plot is considered a good site.
- East-SouthEast A bad site is one where the oncoming road comes from the East and touches the South-East part of the plot.
- North – NorthWest If an oncoming road comes from the North and touches the North-West portion of the plot, it is considered to be a bad site.
- West-SouthWest If an oncoming road comes from the West and crosses the South-West portion of the plot, it will be considered a very dangerous site.
- SouthWest If an oncoming road comes from the South and touches the South-West portion of the plot, it will be considered a very dangerous site.
Your Plot facing an intersection (also known as a Veethi Shool) can cause anxiety or lack of privacy. To overcome this problem, you could use the corner of your plot facing the intersection as a Garage or car porch so that the main house does not face the intersection. You could also fence that area and make it a garden, outhouse, etc.
Vaastu Shastra states that plot shape has a direct impact on the well-being of inmates. Certain plot shapes have a positive effect while others can cause harm. Some plots can be used if the shape is correct. Vaastu can be described as a science. There is logic behind each guideline. As a Vaastu Expert I tried to explain these guidelines scientifically and rationally so you can make your own decision about what to do.
Square plot A plot of equal width and length is ideal for construction. It is believed to ensure all-round growth, prosperity, and happiness. For better ventilation, square plots were preferred over houses designed around a central square courtyard in ancient times.
Rectangle map – Plots with a length and width of 1:2 are considered to be good. It would be more appropriate if the length faces north and the width faces west. These plots are believed to bring good health, wealth, and prosperity to the residents. It is possible to build a house of any shape on such a plot.
Triangle plot – This triangle-shaped plot is bad. These sites are considered to be places where there is always fear of fire.
Circular/Elliptical/Oval Plots – Such shapes are not considered good for construction of houses. Vaastu says that such plots will bring bad luck to their owners.
Plots with more than four sides– Avoid plots that are hexagonal, octagon, or Pentagon shaped for building houses. These plots are dangerous and people living in them live in fear.
Gou Mukhi plot A narrow plot at the front that is wide at the back, is known as Gou Mukhi. This plot is considered to be auspicious for residential purposes. These plots are good for house owners and bring wealth.
Simha Mukhi plot A plot with a narrow front or entrance but a wide back is called Simha Mukhi plot. These plots are not suitable for residential purposes but are good for commercial use.
No purchase of plots with missing corners If you have to, consult an Expert Vaastu Shastri. Cut corners are not considered to be auspicious.
Good plots that have extensions or projections– Plots that are extended in the North, East or North-east are good. Other extensions are considered inauspicious. Extensions in the South-West, South-East, or North-West of a plot are considered bad and bring bad luck.
Vaastu Shastra provides guidelines that will help you choose the right plot. Vaastu can be described as a science. There is logic behind each guideline. As a Vaastu Expert I tried to explain these guidelines scientifically and rationally so you can make your own decision about what to do.
Which is the best direction for a plot?
The ancient Vaastu text provides guidelines for selecting the best Orientation plot. These guidelines are based on common sense, scientific reasoning, and logic. Vaastu states that all directions are good and have their own advantages. My understanding is that roads can be found in every direction in any city. Naturally, houses must be on both sides of roads. The city will look more beautiful if it has houses in all four directions. According to Vaastu all plots can be considered good. The East-facing Plot is good to scholars, priests and teachers, as well as philosophers, priests, students, and priests. The source of enlightenment is the Logic-East (morning sun rays). For those working in government, power and administration, a north facing plot is a good choice. South facing plots are good for the business class as well as those working in management positions within business organizations. For those who provide support services to the society, a west facing plot is better. Vaastu attributes each direction of the plot to a different group of people because, in ancient India, there were four types of people based on their occupations. These classes evolved into castes, and social interaction between them became very limited. Therefore, people from each caste preferred to be with their own people. Their homes were therefore grouped together.
The ancient Vaastu text contains clear guidelines to help you select the right plot or site. Vaastu can be described as a science. There is logic behind each guideline. As a Vaastu Expert I tried to explain these guidelines scientifically and rationally so you can make your own decision about what to do.
Land is necessary to construct any type of building. It is also a fact that the land must be available for construction. It must be one of the following types of sites. It is important to note the purpose for which the land was used in the past. It is best to purchase land that can be cultivated. You can choose from different soil types based on their colour: brick red, brown, dark brown or white. The soil that is suitable for cultivation, such as red brick red, brown soil, yellow soil, etc., is also good for foundations. Black and clayey soil, which isn’t good for cultivation, is also bad for foundations. It retains water and can cause dampness. Avoid sites with clayey or black soil.
Black soil is indicative of soil that retains water but doesn’t allow for good drainage. Avoid such sites as they will require special foundations and waterproofing, which can be more expensive than the normal foundation. Avoid rocky land. Avoid land with too many rocks or thorny trees. It could be a sign that there may be rock beneath the foundation which will need to be blasted out in order to lay the foundation. This can lead to unexpected expenses. Avoid land with a lot of worms. This could indicate that the soil is too loose to support the foundation.