In Hinduism and Buddhism, ‘Shankh” is more important. The ‘Shankh,’ a Hinduism dedication to Lord Vishnu, is called. In Hindu scriptures, Shankha is highly regarded as a giver to fame and prosperity. There are two types of ‘Shankh’: one for blow sound, and the other for worship purposes. Daily blowing the’shankh’ can save a person from heart disease.

Different types of Shankha

  • Shankh represents a number – one hundred zillion (or 100,000,000,000,000,000) .
  • In Indian mythology, Shankh is also the name of one of the nine treasures that Kuber holds.
  • An attendant of Kuber, also known as Shankhnidhi is depicted in a corpulent dwarf sitting in an easy position with a conch shell between his hands. Padmanidhi is his companion. He looks exactly like Shankhnidhi except that he has a lotus instead of a conch shell in one hand.
  • It is associated most strongly with Vishnu and is one His four Aayudh weapons’. However, it is used in the sense that whatever is in his hand is usually in his hands. Shankh is the third, the Mace (Gadaa), and the Lotus (Padm). Vishnu’s conch is called Paanch-janya Shankh. The name of the Sudarshan Discus is in His hand and Kaumodakee is His mace.

According to scriptures, conch (shankh), is important

1.Let’s first understand the significance of shankh. The ancient Puranas scripts state that the shankh was created during the Churning ocean by the Deities. Lord Vishnu kept it as a weapon. According to a holy verse that is chanted regularly during puja ritual, it is said that Lord Vishnu ordered the deities Moon and Sun to be stationed at the base and the deity Prajapati, on the surface, and all the pilgrimage sites like Ganga or Saraswati, in the front portion. Another unique feature of shankh’s vibrations is that they destroy germs and disease-causing bacteria by blowing them. It is why it is so important in Ayurveda and medicine.

Let’s see a subtle drawing that explains the importance of shankh.

This subtle drawing shows that the yellow-coloured circles of Chaitanya are being emitted by shankh in this atmosphere. The blue dots that represent devotion are projected in a straight line like rays. The pink circles are made of particles of bliss (anand), and they are always active.

It is divided into two types by the direction of the space in the shankh. If the space is facing towards your right and the shankh’s tip is facing forward, then it is a right-sided shankh. If the space faces to the left, then it will be a left-sided shankh. For puja rituals, a left-sided shankh is preferable. There are many different types of Shanks on the market. Some have figured work on their surfaces. It is easy to get confused about how authentic shankh can be identified. It is simple to determine if the shankh is genuine by listening to its sound.

Puja ritual: Blowing Shankh

In a puja ritual, the shankh can be used in two different ways. The first is used to blow before the ritual begins. The second is for the actual puja ritual. It is not recommended to keep the shankh used for blowing for puja. Puja rituals have a special meaning for those who blow shankh. According to the ‘Varaha Puran, one should blow the shankh before opening the temple door. Before performing arti or starting puja, the left-sided shankh must be blown. There are three types frequencies in the atmosphere: sattva dominant (raja dominant), tama dominant (tama dominant). The raja dominant frequency and the tama dominant frequency generate distressing vibrations. These frequencies attract the sattva dominant frequencies to the puja ritual, but they are blocked by the raja dominant and tama dominant frequencies. Thus, the flow of sattva frequency is impeded.

The shankh emits energy when the shankh has been blown just before puja begins. This energy decreases distressing frequencies’ strength. The articles of puja are surrounded by a protective armor of chaitanya (divine consciousness). Another benefit is also available. The shankh can be blown so that the activated energy from Lord Vishnu is attracted to the place of worship. This is beneficial not only to the person blowing it but to all who hear it.

The shankh is blown just before puja begins. This is done to maintain the deity’s chaitanya attracted in the puja ritual place and the pure atmosphere created by the sattvik frequency, for a long time.

Energy emitted by blowing Shankh

Let’s see what happens to the energy emitted by the shankh blowing and how it is affected by subtle drawings. We must remember that the vibrations from a subtle drawing can be seen in a two-dimensional form. The sphere will appear in the form of a circle, for example. Let’s now look at the subtle drawing.

The shankh blows and the sound it generates emits the frequencies of the divine energy (shakti). These energy frequencies can be seen in the red colour. These energy frequencies are also visible in the atmosphere as yellow circles of Chaitanya. The atmosphere also emits pink particles from Bliss. This increases the amount of energy, chaitanya, and anand in the atmosphere. It is the reason why negative energies become disoriented and run. It is evident that puja rituals should include shankh blowing. Shankh is a sacred and holy ritual that promotes spiritual practice (sadhana). It becomes much easier to receive the maximum sattvik frequencies from the deities.

The correct way to blow Shankh

We’ve seen that shankh blowing can destroy the frequencies of raja-tama particles and awaken the saviour/destroyer principle of a deity. Let’s now see how to blow the shankh correctly.

Begin by raising your neck slightly and bending it backwards. Keep your mind clear. Start to take a deep, exhaling breath. Next, increase the intensity of your blows. Keep in mind that shankh must be blown in one breath. This is how the Sushumna channel activates and helps to maintain a proper balance of raja, sattva and Tej elements. This activates the saviour or destroyer principle of the adeity depending on the need.


Another type of shankh is not supposed to be blown or kept in the puja ritual. It’s called shankhini or female shankh. Its rough and thorny surface makes it difficult to find. It emits no pleasant sound. We will now examine why a shankh, or shankhini, isn’t used to blow as per the science and spirituality.

On the inner surface shankhani’s shankhani, there are many crisscrossing circles. These circles block the flow of sound vibrations if you blow on them. These circles create distressing frequencies when sound vibrations are generated. These distressing frequencies activate the already existing distressing frequencies in the atmosphere. The vibrations of the shankhani as well as the negative energies in the atmosphere attract to the puja location and impure the surrounding environment. Shankhani is therefore not used in puja rituals. The worshippers who follow the Aghori Vidya (worship of black energy accumulation) use shankhani to attract negative energies at their worship.

Shankh ritualistic worship


The shankh must be worn in a particular way during puja ritual. The deity is the one whose pointed portion is directed at.

The pointed portion of shankh attracts the frequencies of Chaitanya and the energy from the images deities. The blue-coloured Lord Krushna principle, which is generating an armour of Krushnattva around shankh, can also be seen. The shankh is also home to the yellow-coloured Chaitanya. In a circular fashion, the red-coloured frequencies of energy revolve in the shankh. The other end of shankh emits the frequencies of energy and the chaitanya, which purifies the air and benefits the worshipper.

If the shankh is held with its pointed end towards the deity, the house will get the required amount of energy from the other end. Let’s now discuss ritualistic worship of shankh. Before the actual puja of a god or goddess, a shankh is filled up with water. It is then ritualistically sipped with offerings of sandalwood paste and flowers, as well as Tulsi leaves. The worshipper then sprinkles the water from the shankh onto himself and on the puja articles. The water in shankh can be considered as pure water as the Ganga river. It can also be used to give holy baths (abhishek), to deities.

When using a Shankh, there are some important points you should remember

Let’s now look at some important points about shankh

  • Never use shankh for blowing in puja rituals. They should be kept separate.
  • Don’t offer water to the deity using shankh for blowing.
  • Two shankhs should not be kept for worship in the same temple room.
  • During puja rituals, never touch the Shivapindi with shankh.
  • Shankh should not be used to give holy baths to Shiva and Sun.